The Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) has taken a toll on many of our lives, some for the better and some for the worst. Since everyone has been in quarantine, we have had a lot more time on our hands. Some of us are utilizing our extra free time to catch up on some much-needed rest, spending more time with family and even working on our craft. With all this extra time on our hands, this may be a perfect time to start a new hustle and prioritize these moments towards productivity and efficiency. You may be interested in starting a new hustle to earn extra money, to replace your current job or maybe to pay off some debt. Whatever your reason may be, here are some helpful tips to get you started.
Anyone can start a new business! You just have to put your mind to it. The process begins by thinking of a list of things that you are passionate about and what you are skilled in. Once you have narrowed down your skill set and what you are passionate about most, the next step is checking on your availability. You must make and dedicate time for your business as that is one of the most important ways to help it grow. Next, you must think of the amount of money you want to earn and make sure it's achievable. Setting realistic goals, both short-term and long-term, is a strong part of the blueprint towards success. You may also do your research by following and possibly shadowing others who hold roles in the same fields that you are wanting to work in. Try to look up all the beginner mistakes made in that specific field so that you can avoid making those and become successful in a more efficient manner. Your next step will be deciding when to start. Since we are all quarantining, there is not a better time to start than now! You have all the time in the world and there are not many distractions to throw you off your game. During times like these it is easy to get frustrated, sad, or depressed but always remember to please stay strong and put your mind onto something that will benefit you in the long run.
Eyeconic Writer: Halle Spivey